Monday 27 February 2017

                                                         Ambition of study

It is about the period before independence in India. A boy from lower class (Dalit community) used to go to the school because his father had big hopes from him. As a Dalit untouchable boy, he had not permission to sit in the class. So he used to sit outside the class, from where he could see the blackboard. One day teacher was teaching mathematics and he asked a question in the class but nobody was able to answer but the student who was outside answered the question. He got only appreciation but couldn’t get permission to sit in the class. After the Hundred years of this incident in America, Columbia University did a research on a great personalities and scholars of last 2oo years; list of hundred people was prepared the name of ‘that’ Indian boy was listed in first position.It was a great proud to India because that man was the real Architecture of the Modern India and the Indian constitution. Yes, he was Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.


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